Let The Right One In is a new Swedish film about a 12 year old boy, bullied at school and lonely, who falls in love with a quiet girl who moves into his block of flats. Pretty everday situation right? Wrong. She just happens to be a vampire.

Currently receiving rave reviews all over the shop, this brilliantly crafted film, which combines a subtle atmospheric horror with a touching coming-of-age tale, is the sort of thing which will easily become cult viewing. And I should imagine Hollywood is currently falling over itself to make an English language version, in the wake of Twilight's success even more so.
There are some superbly gruesome and macabre moments in this, but it's all done so artistically and elegantly, that it never becomes gross-out. Clever technique and a less-is-more attitude to gore proving far scarier and creepier than mainstream shock tactics.
Sadly its not available in the cinema in my town, due to the fact it's all in foreign and obviously no one wants to go to the cinema to read, so thank heavens for piracy!
Watch the film here!
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