Tantalisingly close is the release of the soundtrack album "Tomorrow, In A Year", taken from the electronic opera written by the Knife in collaboration with Mt Sims and Planningtorock. In fact it's out on February 2nd. I did not know this. Until just now. I can't quite describe how learning this made me feel suffice to say it involved lots of swearing.
To tide us over until this release the mighty Pitchfork has offered up this fascinating preview track, The Colouring of Pigeons.
I still haven't listened to it all the way through, it's 11 minutes long and I only just downloaded it myself. Thus far it is an epic and primal amalgamation of intertwining voices and instruments, constantly building and building with an effect quite hypnotic and also strangely unnerving... But then again The Knife are masters of creating atmosphere and evoking wild and vivid mental landscapes with the touch of a button or the suggestion of some cerebral lyric. Opera seems to suit them quite fantastically.
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