Here is what must be the first glimpse of what M.I.A. has in store for us with the release of her third album later this year.
Early reports of her working with Rusko had many people theorising that she would be doing a dubstep album but come on people, this is M.I.A. we're talking about, she wouldn't want to jump on a bandwagon or make music that we would expect so thankfully this is a new direction for both her and Rusko. Mellow and hypnotic and beautiful, a year that has seen her work with A.R. Rahman, see the civil war in her homeland come to a bloody end, and become a mother has left her feeling less obligated to make club bangers and more interested in more musical pursuits, as she was quoted in an interview in NME's 2010 preview. I am sure we can still expect some CHOONS from her but it's very exciting to hear her doing something so different with a producer who is known for floorfillers. Yet anopther album I can;t wait for this year!
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