If you;ve never discovered the hypnotic and relaxing sounds of Syrian Tarab music then feast your ears on this! It's about time I posted some far flung rarities for a change as opposed to all these oh-so-cool glimpses of future indie/dance albums. Back to the the silk road!
Sabri Moudalal is the main musician on this album, from the amazing Institute du Monde Arabe's stunning and exhaustive series of CDs covering just about every aspect of the Arab world's musical traditions you could ever wish to hear. He died in 2006 after a distinguished career as one of Syria's foremost performers.
This elegant traditional music has entranced me many times before and I thought I would share it. Huge thanks to the amazing welove-music.net for their tireless pirating, without which I would never have discovered the IMA's archives.
Download HERE! (65MB)
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